KJUN is a cuisine evolved from Chef Jae’s personal experiences in both Seoul and the United States, drawing inspiration from mentors and chefs including Jae’s mom, a renowned Korean kimchi chef, and mentors in the restaurant world including Chefs Michael Gulotta, Leah Chase, and Eric Ripert. Chef Jae started her first KJUN pop-up in New York City during the COVID spring of 2021. KJUN provides guests with a unique, global comfort food. Chef Jae’s standout dishes — like kimchi jambalaya, crawfish bibimbap, and galbi grillades and grits — highlight the similarities between Korean and Cajun-Creole tastes, fusing the best elements of each cuisine. Chef Jae’s love for the food and culture in both Seoul and New Orleans drives her to grow KJUN into a lasting culinary institution, and to give everyone a chance to experience the tastes of home. 

“Her brilliance shines at the end: Instead of Crystal hot sauce, Jung folds in her mother’s three-month aged kimchi, which adds bracing heat and tang to balance the meaty richness.”

— @katekrader via Bloomberg